Life at St Martins school today - reporting from Kibagare.
Welcome to Saint Martins School, in Kibagare, Kenya. From our Journalism Club: Breaking News Today. 3 reporters from the Journalism Club will brief us about Life at School nowadays”.
1) Kevina at the gates of Saint Martins, in the middle of Kibagare
Habari Yako! Kevina Mwangi from Journalism Club here at the main entrance of Saint Martins School in the heart of Kibagare, one of the poorest slums located in the outskirts of Nairobi where drugs, substance abuse, poverty, sickness, lack of primary live hoods surround the School. Our School is the only safe place for us and we feel proud to be granted with quality education which is key to foster hope and prosperity to our lives, but this is a teamwork collaboration and the work with the Community of Kibagare is also essential. The Business Cooperative led by a group of entrepreneur mothers from the slum is a reference for us to build a promising future together. The feeding Programme run every Saturday at School is able to provide 1 meal to 2,000 children coming from the slum.
Keziah reporting from the washrooms at Primary School
2) Jambo! Keziah Mwangi from Journalism club here in the washroom of Primary students.
Poor healthcare and poor sanitation contribute to the spread and severity of the disease. We are stuck in our mission to educate as many children as possible in a clean space. We only have 15 shared bathrooms for the 1032 students. Social distancing means that our sanitation now needs a rapid upgrade. Extra water sources, as well as toilet facilities and the ability to keep these spaces clean, will help the children to stay safe from the fear of COVID-19 infection.
3) Gloria connecting from the Computer Lab of Secondary Boarding Girls School
Hello! Gloria Zawadi from Journalism Club here in the Computer Lab of Secondary School. This is the only room provided with aids to communicate with the outside world and to get access to online resources for Education. This is our favourite space but we can hardly use for 1 hour once a week. A new expanded hall is vital for the School to be able to contribute in its mission to help us in our education meeting the minimum standards of safety.
Our Journalism Club. An extracurricular activity run by volunteers, led and sponsored by at Saint Martins School. We are more than a club “We are a School of Skills, a factory of Dreams, an open window to the outside world. The soul of Saint Martins School. Empowering boys and girls through education“